A 101 Guide to the Covid Satire 'Busting Anti-Vax Myths'
Around 2,200 Copies Sold! 92% of Amazon Reviewers Give Book Five Stars!
101 Guide
This is the real author of the book and I wanted to explain a little bit more about it.
Firstly, don’t be fooled by the title of Busting Anti-Vax Myths: Seriously EXPERT Arguments for the Covid-Deniers in Your Life, the whole book is really a ruthless satire of the mad Covid world of lockdowns and vaccines.
Written by the wholly fictitious Irish Covid Expert, Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin (which means ‘Oisín son of stupid’ in the Irish language) the book satirises the worst of all the Covid experts we have had to endure.
Now this Prof. MacAmadáin absolutely adores lockdowns, vaccine passes and the vaccines themselves, and he swats away any argument against his position with the most tupsy-turvy reasoning and with near terminal levels of cognitive dissonance. The result is that he actually ends up unwittingly affirming the very positions of those whom he is trying to counteract….not that he’d realise this himself of course!
If you have been in a depressive haze over the last few years, this book will provide much needed comic relief and help you laugh back against the madness!
You can buy the paperback/kindle versions of the book on all Amazons (US/UK) and you can also order the paperback from The Book Depository. You can also buy digital copies of the book directly from this website (see below).
Read on through the rest of the site to get a flavour of the book or download a free sample here. Or read through the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Amazon. Many find the book 'a laugh out loud' read while a few have suggested it is 'Covid meets Father Ted', a comparison I particularly appreciate.
I had a lot of fun writing this book and it helped me regain my smile, which had been lost over the first year of lockdown. More importantly, writing the book helped me regain my power in the face of the utterly irrational worldview we have all had to suffer. I hope it can have something of the same effect for you.
Sincerely, The Real Author
PS: A common question I get asked is how to pronounce Oisin's name....it is 'Ush-een MacAmaDawn'.
Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin is an expert, one of the best, in fact. Founder, sole lecturer and provost of The Termonfeckin Institute of Expertise in Ireland’s beautiful Co. Louth, he knew that if there was one thing governments needed for their response to Covid, it was his enormous brains. Consequently, he has devoted every waking moment of the Covid Era to advising all government cabinets everywhere on the supreme value of masks, lockdowns, mandates and being vaccinated at least once a month.
He was, at a certain point however, utterly horrified to learn of the existence of certain total thickos, tinfoil hat wearers and those who were generally of a conspiratorial disposition. Sensing that the mentally soft among us could be prone to believing any old kind of nonsense, he set out to write a book to counteract the nefarious mis-, dis- and downright crackpot information that is currently being spread among the nether regions of the internet.
Do you have a neighbour or, heaven forbid, friend or family member, who regularly spews utter nonsense in your direction along the lines of their government being out to chip them or that a quack aromatherapy pill like vitamin D might save lives from Covid? Or perhaps you have been accosted by a random conspiracy theorist in the street who adamantly believes that everyone should add horse-dewormer to their morning coffee or that lockdowns aren’t the pinnacle of scientific acumen that they clearly are and that whoever invented them should obviously win a Nobel Prize?
This, at last!, is THE book you need in order to arm yourself with bulletproof arguments and put these poor deluded souls in their proper place once and for all!
In it, you will learn:
How to counteract the views of fringe, far-right scientists who say that lockdowns mightn’t be the best idea (!)
Why society under lockdown has arguably never been better for our general happiness levels or mental wellbeing
How to factcheck like a pro
Why masks make you really sexy (but why wearing masks in combination with pantyhose will not only make you even sexier but will protect you amazingly against Covid)
The countries that did it best: Australia, Canada, Austria and, of course, the dear old Emerald Isle! (Don’t we just punch above our weight in everything?)
And the places that did it worst: Belarus, Mexico, Romania, Florida and Sweden…oh, Sweden! How is it that a formerly liberal utopia became such a far-right nightmare?
The nefarious dealings of prominent antivaxxers and the generally awful consequences of their actions (such as creating vaccine hesitancy disease, an illness almost on a par with Covid itself)
Why the vaccine is definitely a vaccine (because it self-identifies as one and it is vaccinephobic to suggest otherwise)
Why The Great Reset is absolutely 100% what we need and will make us all utterly delirious with joy by 2030
So, sit back, enjoy, take it all in and remember… get your boosters, keep your distance and, for the love of God, stay extremely safe!
Praise for Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin!
‘At last! A book to really 'piss off' the anti-vaxxers. Je l’adore!’ - President Macaroni
‘Wait, am I in this book? Let me make sure I get my hair right.’ - President Trudy-Wudy
‘Phew, it was getting a bit worrying for a second there…. thank God for Oisín.’ - CEO of Pfizzle
‘The cream of Irish society has been treated to my colleague Oisín’s wisdom in the pages of The Oirish Times nearly every day for the last two years. That he should now set his thoughts down into a book is simply the icing on the cake. We Irish truly are the best at everything and our response to the pandemic really demonstrates this. Oisín’s book encapsulates this truth marvellously.’ - Gubnet O'Foole, Oirish Times correspondent in residence.
‘Extremely smart, erudite, intelligent. A true polymath…the expert of experts. What would we do without him?’ - The author
"If one picked up this book expecting a genuine defence of COVID restrictions, one would soon be disabused of that notion. It is both hilarious and deadly serious, obliging the reader to remember all the traumas that befell us."
Roger Watson, The European Conservative
"It's been many a long year since I laughed so much while reading a seriously serious book. The greater your familiarity with the lies, obfuscations, and gaslighting by health experts and governments in the last three years, and with the range of scientific literature and controversies, including the leading names, the more you will be entertained by this book." - Prof. Ramesh Thakur, Brownstone (reprinted in The Spectator Australia)
"This fine book is hilarious and a super antidote to the Covid madness for your friends and family!" - Ivor Cummins"This book is hilarious and will have you laughing from the start. But it is also solemn, and it shows us how ludicrous the pandemic years were. If you know people who are in favour of lockdowns, face masks or vaccine mandates then this book might, just might, convince them that it was utter nonsense.” Jack Watson, The Conservative Woman
"The book does an excellent job of lampooning the maniacal response. It also aptly skewers the motivations and “facts” behind the pandemic response." - Thomas Buckley, The California Globe
"You will first laugh heartily as you follow the bizarre exploits of this mad-cap academic from ‘The Termonfeckin Institute of Expertise’, but after you put the book down and consider how closely its author navigates the truth about our human torpidity and breath-taking gullibility, you will weep." - Garry Bannister, The New Conservative (reprinted in The Burkean)
Buy the Book
Paperback and Kindle Versions of the Book are Available on all Amazons (Amazon US / Amazon UK) and from The Book Depository (paperback only). At the moment, digital files of the book are available only through Amazon as part of a temporary exclusive deal, but this may change soon.
There is also a wonderful audio edition of the book available on Audible.
Contact The Real Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin
Want to interview the real Prof. MacAmadáin?
Would you like a review copy or can you help advertise or promote the book on social media?
Or just drop him a line to thank him for his sterling work in combatting anti-vaxxer lies? Reach out below!
*If you are contacting me about the Weekly Sceptic review copy offer (15th November, 2023), please let me know your blog/substack/which publication you might write for, etc, and whether you would prefer a digital or paperback copy. Rest assured that I will reply as the real me.*
Prof. Oisín MacAmadáin © 2023